First look at ABC's 'Glass House' -- PHOTO

Monday, 4 June 2012

Sure looks like it! Below is ABC’s concept art and the cast list for its new reality show Glass House, which sequesters a group of strangers for a series of challenges. Viewers will not only vote on who wins the $250,000 prize, but on a variety of factors such as what contestants wear, eat and what games they play. The show received a burst of publicity when CBS threw stones at the series, claiming its too similar to its long-running hit Big Brother. Visually, there’s no garish candyland-style decor here, though. Get a load of house, an exclusive below. The actual home is still being constructed and will be ready by the show’s premiere on Monday, June 18. Contestants better hope there’s no window-washing challenge. 

And the cast? We got that too. The 14 contestants on the show are:
Alex, bail bondsman (age 25) – Dallas, TX
Andrea, bookkeeper (age 31) – Valencia, CA
Apollo, poet/author (age 28) – Phoenix, AZ
Ashley, paralegal (age 30) – New Orleans, LA
Erica, cocktail waitress (age 27) – Denver, CO
Gene, stuntman (age 28) – Chicago, IL
Jacob, cook (age 28) – Coos Bay, OR
Jeffrey, receptionist (age 35) – Brooklyn, NY
Joy, nurse (age 27) – Fredericksburg, VA
Kevin, police sergeant (age 33) – Toledo, OH
Melissa, freelance journalist (age 31) – Chicago, IL
Mike, bar mitzvah DJ (age 48) – Pembroke, MA
Robin, blogger (age 43) – Washington, DC
Stephanie, scientist (age 32) – Boston, MA

Viewers can start checking out the house and start voting on aspects of the show starting Saturday, June 9, via

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